Friday, April 5, 2019

The Abolition Movement

The Approaches to Multicultural Curriculum Reform (Banks, 1988) is a seminal piece I use to reflect on my own teaching, but is also something I share with students semester after semester. There are four approaches that Banks describes. "One approach, such as the Contributions Approach, can also be used as a vehicle to move to other and ore intellectually challenging approaches..." (p. 38). As Banks, lists a number of challenges with the Contributions or Heroes and Holidays Approach, I remind my students that it is unrealistic to jump to the more socially active approaches when majority of what they experienced as students and observed in area schools fits the Contributions Approach. I encourage them rethink the heroes and holidays they acknowledge. I have my students engage in activities were they learn about often unsung heroes who have contributed to social justice. Below is a listing of notable abolitionists. While Harriett Tubman is often a notable abolitionist, many are unfamiliar with her work as a spy during the Civil War. I also seek to expose my students to other Black abolitionists to help dispel the myth that Blacks who were enslaved or free were complacent with the institution of slavery. Lastly, since most teacher education students are White, learning about Whites who sought justice provides role models for anti-racist actions.

Harriet Tubman:

Lucy Stone:

William Lloyd Garrison:  

John Brown:

Lydia Maria Child:

Harriet Beecher Stowe:

Harriet A. Jacobs:  

Wendell Philips:

William Still:

Ather Tappan:

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