Friday, May 3, 2019

Asian Americans and Moments in History

This semester for my Foundations of Multicultural Education course, we are reading Becoming a Multicultural Education: Developing Awareness, Gaining Skills, and Taking Action, along with Rethinking Multicultural Education. BAME situates itself in providing readers with essential knowledge, awareness, skills, and actions for multicultural education teaching. Part of gaining the essential knowledge for multicultural education teaching is to intentionally learn about historical perspective on a multicultural American. This knowledge is essential for educators who have an obligation to ensure students learn the true history of the nation in order to challenge the isms and other forms of intolerance. The third chapter in the text explores the social construct of race and briefly outlines the legislatively imposed racial groups in the United States. In particular, the chapter discusses the largest three Asian American groups, provides brief historical highlights, and situates the experience of Asian Americans in schools by challenging the model minority myth. In response, the students in the course where challenged to investigate the story an Asian American from the listing provided by Zinn Education Project. Below are links to their eBook creations using Google Slides.

Ronald Takaki:

Yuri Kochiyama:

Fred Korematsu:

Kiyoshi Kuromiya: