Monday, June 16, 2014

Sojourner Truth Puppet Shows

Students from my social studies methods course formulated skits about the life of Sojourner Truth. The activity was adapted from the 3rd edition of Open Minds to Equality. As part of our journey through U.S. history, we arrived at a moment in the adaptation of A People's History where the suffrage movement was mentioned. Often young people gain knowledge about Susan B. Anthony, but many do not know the role Sojourner Truth played as an abolitionist and a suffragist. Here are some of their creations.

Cooperative Biographies and Teacher Scholarly Knowledge

For the May and June Term of Teaching Elementary School Social Studies, we have used Young Citizens of the World: Teaching Elementary Social Studies through Civic Engagement as our course text. Two notable activities we attempted based on the reading was to create listings of necessary teacher information for teaching social studies units on social movements and creating biographies as ebooks. Here are a few examples of student work.